Big Changes Coming

For several years our website has been with WordPress, but now we're changing to a new hosting platform. Bear with us as we make the switch to our new look. You can continue to read our archived blogs on the other site for a few more weeks.
We have now been living in Aqaba, Jordan, since April 2021. In our newsletter, we have reported on our adventures and the day-to-day ways of life in this port city. Soon we will be taking longer trips and telling about this land, which is second only to Israel in the number of Bible stories that took place here.
So far, we have visited Wadi Rum, an out-of-this-world location only 45 minutes from Aqaba. About 20 movies have been shot in this place, which resembles a Martian landscape. A couple of the Star Wars shows and Matt Damon's movie, The Martian were all filmed in the desert area of Wadi Rum, which is Arabic for Valley of the Moon.
We took a twelve-hour tour in the Abarim Mountains along the western ridge of the country, high above the Jordan Rift Valley. The sons of Israel camped here during their wilderness journey during the exodus from Egypt.
Next winter, we have plans to visit the archeological dig farther north where many believe Sodom and Gomorrah were actually located. This is a departure from the traditional site on the Israeli side of the Dead Sea on its southwest side. We now believe these destroyed towns were on the Jordan side on the northeast side of the Dead Sea. It should be an interesting trip.
While we're up north, we'll visit Madaba and Pella. Madaba is near Mount Nebo, where God allowed Moses to see a vista of the Promised Land, but He would not let him cross over. There are many Christian artifacts and historical biblical sites nearby.
Pella is the place where Jewish refugees fled as they took Jesus' advice to flee when they saw Jerusalem surrounded.
There is a lot to see and do in this exotic land. Visit us frequently as we post our activities.