It's Hot in Aqaba

Man, it's 4:44 pm and 109° outdoors under our shaded porch. It's been hovering between 108° and 110° for months now. Before July is over, it will bump up to near 120°. Can you say "Phoenix, Arizona?"
In the summer, we stay in our apartment more than anywhere else. We go grocery shopping once a week and meet with friends a couple of days on Tuesday and Saturday. And the rest of the time we stay indoors in one certain room and run the air conditioning. There is no central heat and air unless you are a millionaire and can pay the bill for such a luxury.
We have been in this apartment almost one year, moving in on July 16, 2021. Our friends advised us not to run the A/C all the time, but it was so hot, we decided to chance it. Our first electric bill was the equivalent of $500! We dialed it way down in August. Drank lots of water and slept with wet washcloths on us, as I did when I was a child in the 1950s.
This morning, we made a run to the grocery store and produce stand while it was still in the upper 80s. Al waters our garden and trees around 7:00 am each day. The rest of the time, we work in the house and our office where we've learned to be comfortable at 82°. It never gets cooler than that inside until winter.
We have a lot of future projects in the works that we will talk about from time to time.
We have salmon cooking in the sun oven and whole wheat bread baking in the machine. I'll steam a veggie mix of broccoli, squash, carrots, and green beans, and we'll have a feast in a couple of hours.
I'm trying out this new website hosting platform and will post often until I get it all transferred from WordPress, so bear with me.
Until next time,
Al and Anita